Patient information

Everything you need to know about Transcatheter Valve therapy in one place and more importantly accurate !
What is TAVI or TAVR?

What tests to I need before a TAVI/TAVR?

How is the Procedure Performed?

What happens after the procedure?

What is the world wide evidence for TAVI/TAVR?

What do the major international medical guidelines state in terms of best practice?

What are the specific advantages of TAVI/TAVR over open surgical aortic valve replacement?

What are the risks of TAVI?

How do I get an opinion as to whether I would benefit from TAVI compared to Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement?

How do I contact a TAVI expert or a TAVI centre?

How does India Valves include a centre as an accredited centre for TAVI?

How do I contact India Valves for advice?